My name is Allan Smith and I live in Midland, Ontario, Canada with my wife Isabel. I am the director of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Mission Society of Canada.
For many years I have had the privilege to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation in Peoria, Illinois. My work involves making known the life, works and thoughts of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, to bring people to Christ through Archbishop Sheen’s works, and to advance the Cause for the Canonization of Archbishop Sheen in the Catholic Church. Our award-winning website of BishopSheenToday.com is considered as one of the best resource libraries, featuring his many fine books, videos and audio recordings.
In 2018, I was introduced to the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus through the writings of Archbishop Sheen as they pertain to St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. During that year, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen became a professed member of the Third Order Carmelites. He took his profession on July 17th, 1948 in Washington, DC at the Carmelite House of Studies, by the then Father General, Fr. Kilian Lynch, O.Carm.
Archbishop Sheen loved Carmel and he kept up a life-time of correspondence with many communities of Carmelites. He is quoted as saying of the Carmelite’s who prayed for him – “Your Carmelite prayers and sufferings do more good than all our preaching and hectic actions. We make the noise, we get the credit, we enjoy the consolation of a victory, seen and tasted. You are responsible for it and yet you cannot see the fruits. But you will on the day, when the Cross appears in the heavens, and every man is rewarded according to his works.”
Sheen also said “I want to cling onto Carmel for I love its love of Jesus. I refuse to give it up and like the blind man of Jericho, I shall go on shouting on to you continually to cure my blindness and my ills.”
Archbishop Sheen loved St. Therese and her devotion to the Holy Face. He spoke and wrote often about her and this special devotion. In his Good Friday Address on April 15, 1938, Sheen wrote about Veronica wiping the face of Jesus and the example she gives us.
“Human beings were not all meant to carry either a sickle or a hammer. Some are meant to carry towels — to wipe away the beads on feverish brows, to stroke the aching head, and to touch the worn face as with healing wings. Such was the mission of Veronica, who dared brave a violent mob to refresh the Savior and in reward to receive on her towel the imprint of the Face that saved the World.
By that miracle, Thou didst testify, Divine Savior, that society has a place not only for toilers but also for mourners, whose delicate sympathies lighten the burden of those who also must carry a cross. Grant unto the world, which is rapidly becoming so violent, an army of Veronicas to wipe away the tears of the victims of violence; and do Thou also let them see that when they do it to the least of their brethren, they like Veronica of old, do it unto Thee.”
For myself, after publishing my fifth book with Sophia Institute Press title “War and Peace – An Anthology”, I came to the realization that Sheen’s writings on Communism back in the 1940’s and 50’s speak to the many troubles we are facing today. The rising up of Revolutionary Men and the many blasphemies spoken today against God’s Holy Name. The profanation of Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation need prayers of reparation and devotion to Our Lord in His Passion to make up for these offences.
For the past few years, I have been giving presentations on the Holy Face of Jesus and the works of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen at parishes and Catholic Conferences. At these events I bring with me authenticated images/relics of the Holy Face of Jesus for veneration and display. I also make available holy cards which people may touch to the Holy Face relic itself.
The history of the Holy Face Devotion is one of miracles. There have been tens of thousands of miracles attributed to this sacred image of Our Blessed Lord. From the humble oratory of the Venerable Leo Dupont in Tours, France to the many churches, homes, and monasteries where the Holy Face is venerated, miracles continue to happen.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I am here to serve, and to hopefully share with your parish community this very special devotion of the Holy Face, and the wisdom of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
God Love You.
Al Smith
Ambassador for the Holy Face